
Re-entry (A Before & After!)

With a little elbow grease and a few dollars we updated this entryway to something that truly says, "Welcome home!"


before entry

before entry

And after!



Photography by Christina Wedge

What we did:

1. Painted the walls gray with blue on the accent wall.

2. I painted the mountain scene going up the stairs.

3. Gave the entry cabinet a coat of paint, replaced the hardware and replaced the tin inserts with DIY mercury glass. Mercury glass is expensive so we purchased plain cut glass, sprayed with looking glass spray and then misted with water to create the texture.

4. New lamp and tabletop accessories.

5. New mirror. I hand painted silver and gold accents on the mirror to highlight the lamp and mirrored surfaces on the entry.

And on the day of the photo shoot, Christina captures me standing in the room adjacent to the entry, the doorway of this dining room.

Gina in Entry

Gina in Entry