
Let the Pattern Puzzle Begin!

I love a new project! The new ideas, the possibilities... the intricate puzzle begins! Every room and every family has different needs, goals and tastes. The family I started working with this week are so fun and on the cuteness scale, their kids are 10+. Way too much cuteness. When I meet with a family for our initial consultation, they show me images they have gathered from Pinterest, Houzz, blogs, magazines, etc. We discuss what they like about each photo and the feeling and pieces they want to influence their room. After some initial planning, I go to the fabric store to hunt for textile inspiration. Truly my mother's daughter, a fabric store to me is like a chocolate store (although if there happens to be a chocolate store nearby, I'll go there afterwards, let's be clear).

On my recent visit, I found these pieces. I put different colors and patterns together and see what jives, what sticks out and what just generally makes me giddy. I'm not sure what combinations we will settle on but these are making me happy this week!





I'll keep you posted on if we go with one of these or another combo entirely!