
Anna's Vintage Camping Party

I asked my almost 7 year-old what she wanted for her birthday. "I want a s'mores party," she said. That's my kid, thinking about the food first.

This year was the first year she truly got involved in the party ideas and execution. It was so fun to do with her! The girl's got some fun and quirky style (as evidenced by the vintage embroidered tea towel that she is wearing here and has worn for 10 days straight)! So we took a vintage camping spin on the s'mores theme and went to town.

Thunderstorms were projected for the start of the party and after we took everything in three times over the course of the day because drops were felt, it never actually rained! I am convinced it is because I found my little 7 year-old inside the tent on her knees praying for "overcast skies only, please!" And for braving an outdoor party at the end of June in Georgia, I have to say, God loves little Anna. We even put a fire in the fire pit and didn't melt! Large fans, plenty of cold drinks and spray bottles as water misters certainly helped. We had a blast!

Stay tuned for the tent DIY next week (so easy and fun and something we will use over and over)!

Reading in the tent

Reading in the tent

Suitcases with peanuts and a DIY tent

Suitcases with peanuts and a DIY tent

This Party is Peanuts!

This Party is Peanuts!

Outdoor Camping Party Decor

Outdoor Camping Party Decor



Marshmallows and Graham Crackers

Marshmallows and Graham Crackers

"Le Camping" vintage print

"Le Camping" vintage print

In case you didn't get enough s'mores.... s'more for later!

In case you didn't get enough s'mores.... s'more for later!

Some here, "S'more for Later"!

Some here, "S'more for Later"!

Happy Vintage Camping and S'mores Party to my Anna and Happy Fourth of July to YOU, Friends!

Make a tent and roast some mallows and celebrate with your loved ones!