
Video Series: Books…You Can Read Them Too!

People have strange relationships with books. Some people house them in shrines and stroke their spines in the moonlight. Others scroll on their electronic devices and only interact with the bound word when they dust the stack of old text books in the corner. But when it comes to decorating, to me, books are an essential element. In today's video, we are visiting a must-see store in Nashville, TN called Gas Lamp Too Antiques & Decorating Mall and discussing what to consider when decorating with books and where to find them. (And if you want, you can read them!)

Beautiful antique books

Beautiful antique books

Old Books

Old Books

Do you have issues incorporating books into your decor? We'd love to hear about it!

My dear friend, Kimee, and I had a great time at Gas Lamp Too. We made several videos so stay tuned for more! Where in the Southeast shall we visit next, folks?