
Modern Dining with the Fam

This house has a beautiful and unique layout. The dining room was at the base of a wide set of stairs in the heart of the house that has the feel of an art gallery. (And... that's how we treated the space -- we added beautiful art and it absolutely made the space.)


The kitchen table, like most of ours, is where everything happens - from homework to important discussions, from food fights to mom’s famous fettuccine alfredo. So why not make your dining room a well-designed, thoughtful, and art-filled space to set the stage for family activities? That's exactly what we did at this beautiful home in the Buckhead area of Atlanta.


Let's check out the original dining room setup:


We changed the orientation of the table and decided to honor the modern house with modern elements, warmed up with rustic touches. We designed the table to have a modern shape and feel and selected each of our boards by hand. They came from an old cotton mill in North Georgia. The rustic top will make it perfect for a family with rough boys who would might like to see how far their forks will jam into the top of the table (or maybe that’s just my son? Thanks, Caleb). The molded white chairs are perfect for wiping down spills and give a crisp white modern feel that makes the gorgeous art simply pop. And the light fixture! We were in love with this immediately and because of how it’s made, we were able to manipulate the arms for a great organic feel with the light angled just how we wanted it.

Bright, artful and ready for food fights. Just no red sauce, please!